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5 Greatest Sports Moustaches

Check out which sports stars rocked the greatest cookie dusters in recent times.

Jeremy Proome



The month of facial hair is in full swing, and while we’ve looked at some of the gaming world’s best mos, it’s time to pay tribute to those on-field hairy-lipped heroes of past and present who have dazzled us with their talent and ability to flaunt a beautiful moustache.

Bryan Habana

The former Springbok speedster has always been a stern moustache bearer over recent years, and credit has to be given to the flyer for his glorious handle-bar mo he reverted back to from time to time.

Seeing that face-fluff flying down the wing is arguably one of the greatest sights you may see in your human life.

Bryan Habana

Hulk Hogan

Hogan was known to “run wild” and the same can be said about his tremendously maintained mustache sitting on his face.

We’re not sure if it ever won him a match—though he did win 12 pro-wrestling titles— but you can bet it scored him some serious ladies.

Hulk Hogan

Mitchell Johnson

In classic Aussie style, Mitchell Johnson was well-known for his incredible ‘stache, which slowly but surely beczme a staple of his game.

Prior to his retirement, the proud fast-bowler got better and better with age, and was often the bane of the Proteas from time to time – and we’ll put it down to his mo.

Mitchell Johnson

Dave Babych

Dave Babych managed to become an NHL all-star, but the most impressive thing about his career was always his moustache.

Perfectly balanced, yet full of body, that moustache was the key to Babych’s solid skating ability, even if he wouldn’t admit it.

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Carlos Valderrama

Valderrama is one of the most beloved football layers from Colombia.  Though he’s recognized more for his Sideshow Bob-like hair, that mustache has long been a complementary accessory.

The amount of hair on his face and head could rival that of a dog, but we’ve got to give this football star the props for going big.

Carlos Valderrama

 Have above sporting heroes inspired you to get your moustache going? Any one you think deserves a mention on the list? Let us know by tweeting @MenStuffZA and commenting below.

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1 Comment

  1. Avatar


    November 19, 2014 at 13:42

    Hogan’s is still the best!

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