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Rugby World Cup 2015 Video Game Officially Announced

The RWC 2015 game is lining up to tackle our consoles and PCs later this year.

Jeremy Proome



Rugby World Cup 2015 game

We all knew it was coming, but the official announcement for the Rugby World Cup 2015 video game is finally here.

Bigben Interactive has confirmed that they’ve locked up the licence for the Rugby World Cup from Rugby World Cup Limited, and will be bringing a game based on the tournament – which will be held in England – to Xbox One, PS4, PS3, Xbox 360, PC and PS Vita in September.

Rugby World Cup 2015 won’t be Bigben’s first stab at bringing the ever-growing sport of rugby to consoles, given that they’ve already put out Rugby 15 last year. According to the company, “after the success of Rugby 15, Bigben Interactive will give players the chance to take control of their favourite national team and win the Webb Ellis Cup! The Rugby World Cup 2015 video game will be released in line with the start of the official Tournament and the video game is set to add an extra dimension to the excitement around one of the biggest sporting events of the year.”

We don’t think they mean “success” in critical terms, given that Rugby 15 was panned by most gamers and critics.

“We want to go deeper in this field, offer a good simulation to Rugby fans who will follow their teams during Rugby World Cup 2015, and improve the experience they had with Rugby 15. We hope that all our efforts will reach Rugby fans expectations and we know they will have fun while playing Rugby World Cup 2015”, said Benoît Clerc, Head of Software at Bigben Interactive.

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With any luck, they’ll put the mess that was Rugby 15 behind them and go on to make a much more convincing game to celebrate the World Cup.

There’s no news on licenses or what modes will be available just yet, but it is known that the big unions have been in discussions with the publisher for quite some time, so expect the likes of the Springboks, Wallabies and All Blacks to be licensed, but we’ll wait for an official announcement before confirming that.

We look forward to seeing what lands on shelves in September.

More rugby gaming articles:

Rugby Video Games – Past Failures And Future Hopes

Rugby League Live 3 Gets Some More Screenshots

Rugby League Live 3 Revealed Through Player Creator

Rugby 15 Review (PC)

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  1. Avatar


    June 3, 2015 at 17:35

    It could be a lot of fun but I’m really skeptical. The rugby game franchise is relying on RWC15 to bring some hope back to the market. Rugby games before this have been fun but almost comical. Hopefully this one does the sport the justice it deserves.

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      james n-y

      June 4, 2015 at 12:33

      Agreed, the last rugby game was a shocker. I was definitely what you would call a novice but the game play and controls definitely didn’t make me want to get any better at it.

  2. Avatar


    June 4, 2015 at 19:03

    Smart move bringing it to VITA, with FIFA16 only coming to consoles, this presents an opportunity for bored gamers to try out a Rugby game on the go.

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