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6 Best Superhero Games You Need To Play

We look at the greatest superhero gaming experiences that deliver justice to the genre.

Jeremy Proome



With superheroes being the new “it” thing in popular culture, we decided to look at the best games featuring caped crusaders, spandex-vigilantes and super-powered warriors.

Here are the best superhero games ever made:

Spiderman: Shattered Dimensions (2010) – Xbox 360, PS3

Spiderman has had his fair share of video games over years. While they have generally turned out… alright, none had managed to capture the depth and variety that the multiple Spiden-Man universes have to offer.

That was until we got Shattered Dimensions, which story revolves around an ancient tablet that is accidentally broken in half by none other than Spidey himself. Each piece of the tablet is distributed into four different dimensions, namely Amazing, Ultimate, 2099 and Noir. The game allowed players to dive into to each of these incredible universes, each with their own glorious visual style, and hunt down the pieces. Shattered Dimensions showed what a more focused and direct story-driven game can achieve. While the game might have its shortcomings, it’s definitely one of the best Spidey games out there.

Spiderman Shattered Dimensions

Deadpool (2013) – PS3, Xbox 360, PC

It’s rare that a game that sets out to be funny actually ends up being, you know, funny, but High Moon Studios’ Deadpool absolutely hit its mark.

The third-person hack-and-slash drops you into the red-and-black boots of the Merc with a Mouth and lets you loose on hordes of disposable, meat-filled enemies in a raucous, bloody action game. The combat does get a little stale by the time the credits roll, but it’s more than made up for by a stellar script and wonderful comedy.

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Batman: Arkham City (2011) – Xbox 360, PS3, PC

While Arkham Knight is a fitting conclusion to the Arkham trilogy, its predecessor, Arkham City, is where Rocksteady really hit the nail on the head. Expanding from the fantastic Arkham Asylum origin, Arkham City featured a bigger open-world environment, which branched out of Gotham’s infamous prison and into a large portion of Gotham itself, and gave players an unparalleled sense of freedom with the Dark Knight.

Enemy AI also got a good upgrade and the repetitive gargoyle-lined rooms which made enemy encounters predictable were turned upside-down. Each situation and location posed a new challenge in Arkham City, and the boss battles are still some of the most memorable of the series.

Batman Arkham City

X-Men Origins: Wolverine – Uncaged Edition (2009) – PS3, Xbox 360

When an X-Men Origins: Wolverine game was announced, we expected the toned-down PG-13 Wolverine we saw on the big-screen, but the game adaptation turned out to be the goriest, uncensored and most brutally beautiful Wolverine game to date. It featured some of the best dismemberment we ever laid our uncorrupted eyes on – after all, this was from the guys who made Soldier of Fortune.

The game showed what super-hero games should be all about – platforming, puzzles and most importantly, combat. Not becoming too attached to its cinematic counterpart and instead incorporating Wolverine’s comic-book brutality and animalistic attributes is what made the game exceed expectations.

Wolverine game

InFamous 2 (2011) – PS3

While not based on any pre-existing fiction, InFamous 2 holds strong as one of the best superhero games, and possibly, one of the best superhero stories.

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Like Arkham City, InFamous 2 improved on Cole McGrath’s first adventure – an origin story about a bike courier who gains electrical powers after a bomb blast.

InFamous 2 managed to deliver a strong open-world action game, but more importantly, used a gameplay karma system to engage the player in what it would be like to suddenly gain super powers, and deal with the consequences that follow. It’s a brilliant experience that thrives in all departments.

Infamous 2

X-Men (1993) – Sega Mega Drive

Swept up in the comic book craze of the 90s, it was easy to have an affinity for comic games, but X-Men stood out as a very well-put-together title, independent of its license.

Interesting levels taken from the comic, the option to play as a variety of the coolest X-Men characters on the scene, special attacks based on their powers, and a 2-player capability made this a game a favourite back in the 90s. 

Xmen 1993

What are some of your favourite superhero games? Let us know in the comment below.

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  1. Avatar

    Bhaaa POItjie

    July 7, 2015 at 09:07

    I really enjoyed the Wolverine game. Was super awesome. I still have to play the batman series. I also wish I could get my hands on the Deadpool game. It is nowhere to be found anymore….sigh

    • Jeremy Proome

      Jeremy Proome

      July 7, 2015 at 09:23

      Wolverine was one of the great surprises of last-gen. I actually played it twice, which is something that doesn’t happen too often, especially with a licensed game.

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