First Trailer For Quentin Tarantino’s ‘The Hateful Eight’ Is Here
See the first trailer for Tarantino’s upcoming movie full of dark humour and bizarre characters.

We’ve only seen little teases and posters of Quentin Tarantino’s eighth film, The Hateful Eight, but finally – just a little over four months ahead of its release date – the first trailer is here.
The Hateful Eight is centred around a group of strangers who end up stuck together in a cabin in the (surprisingly snowy) Wild West. The story follows the plight of one woman (Jennifer Jason Leigh) who is headed to a hanging, unless someone can stop the supposedly unstoppable hangman (Kurt Russell). Cue backstabbing and murder.
Kurt Russell and Leigh, the film also stars Samuel L. Jackson, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Walton Goggins, Michael Madsen, Demian Bichir, Tim Roth and Bruce Dern.
Check out the trailer below:
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August 13, 2015 at 15:25
Looks like reservoir dogs set in the wild west
August 16, 2015 at 15:57
August 18, 2015 at 20:26
Ha ha ha ha ha, pretty much so but you know it’s going to be awesome.
August 18, 2015 at 20:28
He’s basically combined Reservoir Dogs and Django. I don’t mind i enjoyed both of them
Call me Big Poppa
August 18, 2015 at 20:35
Samuel L jackson is the man!