Movie News
X-Men: First Class sequel starts filming in January
Mutant follow-up reschedules filming plans to suit Hunger Games star.
The upcoming sequel to last year’s blockbuster, X-Men: First Class will apparently take a temporary backseat to the upcoming sequel to current blockbuster, The Hunger Games. With star, Jennifer Lawrence currently finding herself as one of the most in-demand actresses, the move should resolve tensions between 20th Century Fox and Lionsgate over which franchise mega sequel she would tackle first.
Lawrence will first shoot the second of The Hunger Games trilogy, Catching Fire, for Lionsgate from August to September, which will allow her to subsequently reprise her role as the seductive provocative protean mutant, Mystique when the First Class sequel (originally slated to shoot within the coming months) shoots in the now-revised time of January. (Possibly slating the film for as late mid-2014.)