Is ‘Inside’ the Must-Play Game of 2016?
Here’s what the critics think…
Back in 2010, a game company called Playdead released Limbo, a monochromatic 2.5D platformer that blew critics and gamers away. The team behind Limbo have been hard at work on a new similar-looking but different game, Inside, a side-scrolling action-adventure title that’s equally intricate as it is beautiful. We’ve been keeping an eye on Inside and it’s also one of our most anticipated games arriving in July. Some international publications have already had the jump ahead to review the game, and here’s what they’re saying:
IGN – 10/10
“Inside very clearly builds upon what made Limbo great, and in fact builds something greater. Its unimaginable twist may leave you dumbfounded, confused, and quite possibly speechless, but it will fuel heated discussion with your friends about its meaning, its message, and its intentions. It’s a short ride, but one I felt compelled to take again – including a search for its mysterious hidden orb collectibles. Play it soon before anyone spoils a single big moment for you.”
Gamespot – 8/10
“This is a beautiful, haunting, and memorable game, a worthy follow-up to Limbo. Its puzzles, although rarely difficult, are engaging complements to the story. The real achievement of this game, though, is the way that it crafts its narrative: detailed environments convey the bizarre world that you travel through; introspective moments are filled with minimalist sound design and just the barest touches of music; and the things you must do to complete your journey force you to confront the realities of humanity, freedom, and existence. The puzzles might not bring you back to play it again, but the opportunity to learn more about the world alone is enough motivation to return to Inside’s dystopia.”
Destructoid – 9.5/10
“The parallel to Limbo feels necessary when talking to people who haven’t yet played Inside; after finishing it, it feels wholly unnecessary. Inside stands on its own merits as a superbly captivating and moving experience, one that’s bound to be on your mind in the time you spend away from it. Someone once told me that the games you can’t stop thinking about when you’re not playing them are the truly great ones. I’m inclined to agree. Inside fits that mold even though we’ve seen others of its ilk before.”
Giant Bomb – 5/5
“It feels strange to talk so little in specific about a game I’m so impressed by, and I could write a review three times as long citing examples like the first time you put on that… ah, forget it. This is less a nod to overly sensitive spoiler culture and more an acknowledgement of Inside as a work of singular creativity and meticulous design, one of those games where the more it surprises you, the more it’ll impress you. I have a hard time coming up with much, other than a conclusion that left me wanting a little more, that this game could do better. It’s that question of the gap between ambition and fulfillment, a gap which here is all but nonexistent. Looking at and playing Inside gives the feeling that every surface, every animation, every light and pixel were placed and replaced until they all fit together just right. You see where the six years went. I can’t even picture what kind of game Playdead could make another six years from now.”
Polygon — 9.5/10
“By every conceivable metric, Inside improves on the groundwork laid by Limbo. It deftly balances its elements. It could so easily have been too dark, too funny, too preachy — but it always stops just shy of going too far in any of those directions. At a glance, you could be forgiven for thinking that it hews a little too close to its predecessor. But Inside achieves something that Limbo didn’t: It actually lives up to its opening moments, delivering astounding setpieces and an unforgettable final sequence.”
GameRevolution — 4.5/5
“Although not the breakthrough that was Limbo back in 2010, Inside is nonetheless a beautifully-crafted refinement of that experience. The art direction is just as haunting, but in a way that’s entirely its own. The amazing musical score can be transporting while at the same time oppressive. And the big finale is open to interpretation in the best way possible. I can’t wait to discuss every aspect of this experience with others. I’m still thinking about being inside one of the year’s most memorable games.”
Inside is available on Xbox One on 29 June and PC on 8 July.
Are you interested in checking out Inside? Let us know by tweeting @MenStuffZA and commenting below.
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