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What to Look for When Purchasing the Perfect Suit Jacket

Spoiler: it’s all about the fit. Here’s what you need to know…




Suit jacket

Every guy needs, not “probably should have”, needs at least one perfectly tailored suit in his wardrobe. Even if you don’t wear suits to work, one flawless dapper suit is still a must. According to the old adage, “You must feel confident in your own skin”, but a well-tailored second skin can often boost up that confidence like nothing else.

You will feel for yourself how the music stops and all eyes turn to you as you enter the room in your flawless suit like a boss. But you can only achieve this music-stopping-eye-turning status if the suit jacket’s fit is flawless. So, here we’ve let out the insider secrets of what to look for when purchasing a suit jacket.

1. Focus on the shoulders

The shoulders of your suit jacket are the most critical component of the jackets (and the entire suit’s) fit. Everything else can be altered, but the shoulder has got to be spot on. The shoulder determines how all the other components, such as sleeves and collar lapels, would fall in place. Therefore, if the shoulder’s right, everything else fits perfectly. When it’s out of whack, everything looks crumpled and unruly.

A proper shoulder fit will have no divide, no dent, no crease, no crumbling. It lies flat and the crease ends right where the shoulder blade ends. Shoulders are the most difficult to alter prior to construction therefore never opt for a suit jacket with an ill-fitting shoulder. Odds are you will never be able to set it right.

2. Button it Up While Trying

You must have seen so many guys wearing utter shame in the name of fitted suits. When you suit the said suits, it looks like their button is holding on for dear life. Ethically, when you button your suit jacket, there should be a slight pull. On the flip side are guys who look like they are wearing a nice pinstriped, buttoned, baggy box.

You should have room to breathe and stand comfortably in your jacket. The button should not be at the verge of pinching off. It should not be super tight but neither should it be loose enough to fit another man inside.

Suit 2

3. Length of the Jacket

With suits it’s all about proportions. And the suit jacket has a big role to play in making the entire suit as well as your height proportionate. If your suit jacket is too short, i.e. not covering half of your bottom, it’s going to look like you borrowed your little brother’s jacket. If the suit jacket’s too long, you’re legs are going to look short and have an overall dwarfing effect on your body. The ideal jacket length for most people is usually when the jacket covers half of their behind.

4. Length of the Sleeves

The sleeves of the suit jacket must allow for a quarter to a half inch of cuff to show. More than that, your jacket looks too small. Less than that, it doesn’t look like it has been tailored. Also, the ideal length of jacket sleeves let you show off your fancy cuff links.

5. The Fabric

The ideal suit fabric is one which is breathable, maintains an even body temperature, and does not trap heat. Polyester, being synthetic, traps heat and gets easily creased. Silk and acrylic look super classy, but some men and occasions find the shine of silk unfitting. Cashmere, worn with a neck tie, has the most dapper fit on men but is pricier than the rest.

Cotton, linen, and woollen suits are highly versatile choices, especially when worn with quirky men’s ties. Also, it’s important to wear comfortable undergarments under a woolen suit if you wish to stay safe of scratches and itching. For soft boxers for men, shop from Tucked Trunks.

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