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Simple Hair And Scalp Remedies

Look after your hair, and it’ll look after you.




Hair care

Your hair is not only important but it’s really quite expensive too. A couple of years back, a survey showed that the average American woman spends around $55,000 during her lifetime on grooming, salons, and hair products.

This shows you how significant it is to both women and men to have healthy hair. It’s really only the chosen few that have few hair problems of one sort or another. The majority of people have an issue or two that begins with the scalp. You can’t have healthy hair without a healthy scalp.

There are simple things you can do right at home to help your scalp to grow stronger and healthier hair. Read on so you can start from now.


A scalp massage is not only soothing, but circulates the blood flow. It stimulates the scalp and helps hair follicles to strengthen. In fact, a study was carried out on a small sample of healthy, Japanese men showing the effects on their hair from scalp massaging. A “standardised scalp massage resulted in increased hair thickness 24 weeks after initiation of massage.” Aging, hereditary hormones and genes are often attributed to hair loss, yet simply massaging your scalp on a regular basis and throughout an extended period can help you regain strength of your hair.

Oils and creams

Both hair and scalp need moisturising, but thick creams or conditioners on the scalp can block pores, so apply creams around an inch after the scalp. Blocked pores can accelerate hair loss. Andrea From Hairlossable says that the best products can help with hair loss, clear blocked pores, improve blood circulation and help to thicken hair. There are a variety of oils to choose from such as, castor, jojoba, coconut, or olive oil among others. Again here, you can massage oil gently onto the scalp.

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Hair masks

Masks give more shine, softness, and moisture to hair. They’re like stronger forms of conditioners. Most masks don’t have to be left on the hair longer than half an hour to achieve good results. You can find dozens of homemade masks online that use simple kitchen ingredients such as honey, yogurt, and coconut oil to mention some. Make sure that whatever kind of mask you use, store-bought or homemade, addresses your type of hair, if it's oily or dry or frizzy, for example.

Wet hair

Hair is most fragile when it's wet. It breaks easier, so avoid brushing or combing your hair right after a shower or swim. Anytime shampooing or brushing your hair, be gentle with it. Also, it’s good to note here that you should pat dry your hair and not vigorously rub it with a towel.

Eat right

The old adage, ‘you are what you eat’ also applies to hair. The healthier you eat, the better your hair will be. This doesn’t mean to completely avoid other foods that you like, but rather to have a balanced diet of carbs, fats and protein. It might need a couple of changes in your lifestyle, but your hair and overall health will appreciate it.

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