Check out Tyrese Johnson-Fisher, an English youngster who is settling alight the rugby scene with his powerful runs.
Check out the Bundesliga giants unleashing some serious flair against Hamburg.
Russell Brand addresses the outrageous price-point of Apple's new wearable device.
Check out Kalahari's price-point for the Xbox One and Sunset Overdrive bundle.
Which tries in the Premiership competition deserved a mention this week?
Check out the incredible long-range try French Top 14 giants Clermont Auvergne put together this past weekend.
Want to know which sunglasses suit your face, how to roll your sleeves properly, and which shoes you need for your suit? Here's the answers...
How much will the fancy-pants editions of Mortal Kombat X set you back? MenStuff finds out...
Sean Maloney wraps up round four of Super Rugby with the best tries, biggest hits and everything else in between.
Prepare for Top Gear's South African homecoming...
Stormers winger shows exactly why you should never let the ball bounce.
For those looking to pick up an Xbox One and a new multiplayer shooter, BT Games has something on offer this week.
What do Americans think of biltong, rusks and fish paste? Time to find out...
Check out SBW doing what he does best...
Watch the moment Nemanja Matic injured himself whilst celebrating Chelsea's League Cup win over Tottenham.