IO Interactive apologises to fans and eases worries over the launch of the new Hitman game.
Load up your M1 Garand, war is coming... again.
We take a look at what games are hitting local stores and online retailers this week.
We round up the best deals for South African gamers this weekend from the biggest online and physical retailers.
British studio Bulkhead Interactive are resurrecting the golden age of WWII shooters with their latest project.
We head into the Dark Zone to find out if post-infection New York is where you want to be this year.
Before the Arkham franchise, a funny immersive Gotham City awaited gamers...
Which games should you keep your eyes out for this month? We've got your covered...
We round up the best deals for South African gamers this weekend from the biggest online and physical retailers.
Cowabunga! The boys are back in town!
What does Insomniac have up its sleeves for gamers?
Rainbow Six Siege has a lot to offer players, if you work together.
Jonathan Blow's The Witness could be PS4 and PC gamers' shining light in 2016.
Which games have got our expectations see-sawing from good to bad?
We take a look at the most most notable games hitting store shelves and digital outlets this week.