Looking ahead to 2019, which spandex-clad heroes should be on your radar next year?
Which silver-screen attractions should you catch this month?
Check out all the big trailers from San Diego Comic Con!
WWII and the undead clash in the first trailer for Overlord!
Here's your chance to win tickets to a special screening with MenStuff & Empire Entertainment!
Fillion (finally) steps into the boots of Nathan Drake!
Which movies should be on your radar this month?
To celebrate one of the funniest comedies of the year, here's your chance to win!
But can it do the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs?
Which movies should you keep on your radar this coming month?
Check out the first trailer's for Wahlberg's new action-thriller!
Which streaming service should you chill with?
Does Deadpool stick his second superhero landing?
Which spandex-clad superhero flicks can you still expect this year?
Which big-name blockbusters can you look forward to this month?