Check out the first piece of concept art for the highly-anticipated X-Men: Apocalypse movie.
See the first trailer for the new Hitman movie...
There are a horde of movies releasing this Valentine's weekend, and MenStuff will give you the low-down on what's hitting the big-screen.
Spider-Man will make his long-awaited return to the Marvel set-up as the Disney-owned company and Sony strike a deal.
Find out what you can expect from Guardians of the Galaxy 2 straight from the director's mouth...
Which big-screen outing should you have your eye on this week? MenStuff gives you the low-down on what to venture out to the cinemas for.
Details emerge of who Andy Serkis is playing in the upcoming Avengers sequel.
Check out the first trailer for Unfinished Business.
Which movies should you have your eyes on this month? MenStuff gives you the low-down...
Deadpool star believes the right people are involved for the merc-with-a-mouth to make his rightful mark on the big-screen.
Check out the latest trailer for the new Fast & Furious film.
Check out the brand new TV spot for Jurassic Park 4.
Seeking a little bit more of your Avengers fix before the movie drops in May? Here you go...
Check out the second trailer for the upcoming Terminator: Genisys.
Check out the first trailer for the bear-tastic sequel to Ted...