This year's biggest film ups the ante to a full scale war.
The writing/directing debut from MacFarlane (Family Guy), Ted stars Mark Walhberg as John, a man who, since childhood, has been palling around with his best friend,...
Zack Snyder's upcoming Superman reboot gets first image.
Rampage film adaption makes headway in production.
No big-screen pig massacres happening too soon.
Looks as if Dumb and Dumber sequel is on the way.
Channel 6 News team making a valiant return.
Bruce Willis returns with son-in-tow.
From Hit Girl to horror show.
Futuristic remake features Colin Farrell, high-tech stuff.
Dracula's got accommodation.
Black Widow set to play bigger role in third Iron Man film.
Latest trailer from to the final installment of the Twilight Saga... thank heavens.
Forty year old African born, British actor Idris Elba has recently been confirmed to star in a new biopic based on South African struggle icon Nelson...
Dark Knight Rises star wants to fill 007's shoes.