How To Know When You Need A Makeover
A man makeover… really??? Yes, guys. Makeovers are no longer just for ladies. Personal stylist, Tracy Gold, tells us why we should care how we look.
If you think that makeovers are a feminine thing, think again. Men are increasingly under pressure to look good these days. And why not?
Let me tell you guys, us girls also want our guys to look good. Besides, the modern man wants to look good right? It may be time for you to get a style revamp. Here’s a checklist to help you decide if it’s time….
- You are now a successful professional, but your look doesn’t reflect your success.
- You’ve had a major lifestyle or career change, but your look doesn’t reflect that change.
- You are still wearing the same styles you used to wear in varsity.
- You haven’t been shopping for clothing in over 2 years.
- You’ve lost weight and your clothing no longer fits you.
- You’ve gained weight and your clothing no longer fits you.
- Male grooming… what’s that????
- You’re single and struggling to gain the attention of women you’re interested in.
- You are married and your wife thinks you could “up your style”.
- The way you look is holding you back from doing things you want to do.
If you can relate to any of these statements above, then it may be time for a masculine man makeover.
Check out more from Tracy on Makeovers for Men.
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