5 Zombie Games You Need To Play
Check out which zombified gaming experiences had us clawing and dragging ourselves back for more…
Whether you call them “walkers”, “biters” or just the plain-old “zombies”, there’s something quite timeless about the undead hordes which we love to kill. Video games have been incorporating those shuffling corpses since the beginning of the medium, and to celebrate that we decided to look at the 5 best zombie games in recent years.
Dying Light
The newest entry into the world of zombie games is also one of the best. Developed by Techland, who are no newcomer to the zombie genre – the developer’s other franchise, Dead Island, shares many similarities, but Dying Light irons out all the weird bugs and repetitive grinding that comes with 2011′s tropical island adventure. The open-world zombie-parkour-survival title may look like an idea cashing in on a few popular cultural phenomenons, but it’s actually one of the most interesting, well-designed and unique experiences seen on the current generation of consoles.
Left 4 Dead 2
When the guys behind Half-Life, one of the greatest games ever made, announced they were making a zombie game – we couldn’t contain our excitement. The original Left 4 Dead lived up to its promise and the sequel took the brilliant co-op survival chaos even further. The premise of Left 4 Dead 2 remains the same as the first: survive hordes of the undead, as well as some other nasty creatures, until you reach a safe house or evacuation point. There is some kind of story involving an outbreak of a virus, but at the end of the day, you just gotta kill a whole lot of zombies, and L4D2 does that better than just about any game out there.
Dead Rising 2
As a series, Dead Rising is not without its flaws. If you can overlook the forgettable story, annoying characters, and frustrating time limits, a lot of fun can be had in this quirky world. No other zombie game gave you as many ways to take out the waves of zombies that are thrown at you, including chainsaw-motorbikes, football bombs, electric wheelchairs, and so much more. Dead Rising 2 did what all sequels should do: It built on what its predecessor did well and fixed many of its flaws. The main characters were more likable, the story was a bit more interesting, and your arsenal of weapons and combos was greatly expanded.
House of the Dead Overkill
‘Overkill’ couldn’t be a more suitable sub-title for SEGA’s Wii exclusive into the House of the Dead Series. Not only is it’s gore and violence over-the-top, it’s swearing, guns, dialogue, story and just about everything else is beyond any doubt an overkill, but it’s also one of the best zombie game around. Designed as an on-rails shooter using the Wii’s motion controllers, it’s a surprising game for the platform, but it’s also an adrenaline, laughter and gore fueled romp featuring a ton of crazy zombies, and you can’t go wrong with that.
Resident Evil 5
When the discussion for best Resident Evil game comes up, the fourth entry into the franchise usually gets the unanimous decision, but Resident Evil 5 featured co-op, a fresh new African setting, some insane bosses, gorgeous visuals, and of course, more zombies than you could handle. We’ll likely get some grief for it, but Resident Evil 5 stands as not just one of the best RE games, but one of the best zombie experiences around.
Which zombie games do you think deserve to be on the list? Let us know in the comments section below:
8-Bit POItjie
March 18, 2015 at 10:20
I didn’t enjoy Dead Rising 2 on my own, but when we played it in Co-op, the game was just bucket loads of fun. Dead Rising 3 is just epic!!
Resident Evil 5 was epic. Well any Resident Evil game is epic.
Jeremy Proome
March 18, 2015 at 13:30
Dead Rising 2 must’ve been great co-op – never got the chance to try it out. While the boss battles “the psychopaths” were ridiculously difficult, I loved the freedom and exploration in the game. I need to try DR3.
And love me some Resident Evil – fast-paced action or slow, I’m a fan. Played any The Evil Within?
8-Bit POItjie
March 18, 2015 at 13:35
I have only played a little bit of The Evil Within at rAge Expo last year, I still have to make a plan to get that game some time.
I just have to say I died very very badly in the bit I played.
The freedom in Dead Rising 3 is so much better than DR2. more open space means more Zombies. Damn, now I want to go home and play that.
Jeremy Proome
March 18, 2015 at 13:40
Haha, I think Shinji Mikami takes pleasure out of making games that kill us in terrible ways.
Awesome – OK you’ve sold me on DR3, piqued my curiosity when it came out but didn’t have my Xbox One then – will track a copy down.
Paton Van Aensland
March 18, 2015 at 10:39
Yup good games indeed. Love the Resident Evil games (from Res Evil 1 on the PSOne, still have it lol) and CG movies. Games though, for me Resident Evil 4 and 6 take the cake.. Maybe it’s cos I dig kicking ass with Leon.
Seriously enjoyed The Last Of Us, the deep and evolving story between Ellie and her guardian Joel is one of sheer creative beauty. Dying light really looks good, will be my next buy. So good choices boys.
Jeremy Proome
March 18, 2015 at 13:32
Love all the Resident Evil titles – the slow-paced (1-3) and faster ones (4-6). Excited to take on Resident Evil Revelations 2 now.
The Last of Us is unbelievable. It’s just too intense to play a second time. Definitely give Dying Light a go @patonvanaensland:disqus, it’s really impressive.
phony samestation
March 19, 2015 at 09:25
State of Decay Year One Survival Edition is going to be the best Zombie game for entire year of 2015. It’s a Xbox One exclusive it’s releasing in April 28.
Jeremy Proome
March 19, 2015 at 13:40
Played some State of Decay on Xbox 360 and excited to try the Survival Edition when it’s out! Looking awesome.