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9 Most Anticipated Games of February 2016

Which games should you keep your eyes out for this month? We’ve got your covered…

Jeremy Proome



Games of February 2016

In terms of video game releases, January got off to a pretty roaring start, but as we move into February, things are getting even hotter. With all the massive releases coming our way this month, we’ve rounded up the 9 best that you need to take note of:


Release date: 5 February (PC)

In this strategy sequel to the tactical squad shooter XCOM: Enemy Unknown, an unpleasant group of aliens has invaded Earth and set up a tyrannical government meant to keep us lowly humans in our place. That’s not how you roll, so it’s time to fight back by guiding a group of rebels as they fight to take the planet back, one turn at a time.


Gravity Rush Remastered

Release date: 2 February (PS4)

Gravity Rush Remastered follows the mysterious young hero Kat and her incredible, gravity-defying powers. Players can traverse a beautiful city in all directions with full 1080p HD visuals, performance improvements, and — of course — DualShock 4 support. As a bonus, all the original DLC packs from the PS Vita version come packed in the Remastered edition.

Gravity Rush

Dying Light: The Following

9 February (Xbox One, PS4, PC)

Dying Light: The Following is a significant expansion to the fantastic Dying Light (which we loved) and the untold chapter of Kyle Crane’s story. The vast new open area transforms Dying Light experience through new some game mechanics, environments, vehicles, zombies, and a whole new story-arc. Can someone say “zombie roadkill”?

Dying Light The Following

Far Cry Primal

Release date: 23 February 2016 (Xbox One, PS4), 1 March (PC)

Far Cry Primal takes the beloved FPS series back to the Stone Age – stripping away the automatic weapons and focusing on the player’s relationship with the world around them. Sabre-tooth tigers, woolly mammoths, and other frightening Jurassic creatures will be hunting you down, but, there’s a twist: you’ll be able to control them too. This is one of the most interesting releases this year, and we can’t wait to see how it pans out.

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Far Cry Primal

Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: Russia

Release date: 9 February (PS4, Xbox One, PC)

Assassin’s Creed Chronicles is a set of side-scrolling spin-off titles from Ubisoft’s stab-’em-up franchise, and following Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: China and India last month, we now head east into mother Russia. Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: Russia is set in 1918 Russia and tells the story of Nikolai Orlov, a new assassin who possesses different skills involving ranged firearms. The Assassin’s Creed Chronicles Trilogy Pack will be released the same day, with the PlayStation Vita version coming on 5 April.

Assassins Creed Chronicles Russia


Release date: 9 February (PS4, Xbox One, PC)

In Unravel you platform and puzzle your way around a human world as a little yarn creature named Yarny and yes, it looks every bit as adorable as it sounds. It’s a 2.5D sidescroller, which may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but man does it look gorgeous. And adorable. Hopefully it’s also fun and challenging.


Street Fighter V

Release date: 16 February (PS4, PC)

Street Fighter is one of the most long running and legendary fighting game franchises around with its first release coming all the way back in 1987. The fact that this is only the fifth official entry (spinoffs not included) is a testament to how well each game has held up over the years. This time, Sony scored a console exclusive contract (and not the timed exclusive kind), limiting the game to only the PS4 and PC. The game is a pretty safe bet for those looking for a new epic fighting game.

Street Fighter V


Release date: 9 February (PS4, PC)

Firewatch is arguably the most intriguing narratively-based adventure game on tap for 2016 due to its prevailing sense of loneliness, unique art style and the ominous mystery that surrounds the game’s overarching narrative. You play as a Park Ranger, Henry, who is attempting to get his chaotic life in order by trading city life for the Wyoming wilderness. His only contact is his supervisor, Delilah, who you will come to know over the course of your journey. It will be interesting to see how well Campo Santo can drive the story forward with only two characters at the wheel.

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Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2

Release date: 23 February (PS4, Xbox One, PC)

The original Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare was a refreshing take on the popular tower (lawn) defense series with class-based gameplay that took its inspiration from the best of greats like Team Fortress 2. Garden Warfare 2 is back to expand upon an already successful franchise with new classes, modes, crossovers and even loyalty rewards.  The game just recently ended its open Beta and everything appears to be on track for a smooth release later this month.

Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2

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