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Top Aesthetically modded consoles




Having the latest console and accessories used to be the in-thing if you wanted to be cool among your peers. Now with the massive drop in prices of the current consoles, almost everyone has or is able to afford a Playstation 3 or an Xbox 360. The boring same colour schemes and designs are becoming long in the tooth and the only way to separate oneself from the competition is to pimp that baby!

Here is Techdrop’s list of the most pimped out consoles for 2012. Only mods with exceptional attention to detail and design gets a mention, as there are so many custom cases that can be bought on the market nowadays.

Gears of War window Mod. What better design than the Gears of war logo. Its a good clean finish that shows some of the internals of the Xbox.

The Halo Xbox 360 is one of the favourites around the web. Amazing detail and design. Not mobile friendly though when going to a lan.

Another ridiculously detailed Halo case. This one has had a completely new paint job that resemblances the Landscape of the Halo Universe.

Probably one of the best Playstation 3 designs to date. Not sure where the inspiration came from as Haze received very average ratings from around the web. An outstanding case though that must have taken days to complete.

Exceptional detail makes this case stand out from the rest and gives sony something to think about whilst being ashamed.

Most of these cases are changed by using a dremmel tool, which is very precise little drill with hundreds of attachments to create almost any effect and/or cutout. Its similar to a dentists drill and small enough to allow for shaping any angle. They are usually sold at any major hardware outlet, but they do come at a price.

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