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How to Save Over R300 on Groceries a Week!

Crystal shows us how food delivery service, Daily Dish, helped her save money (and time) shopping for healthy ingredients.

Crystal Espin



I must admit, I find shopping for healthy ingredients quite an expensive affair. But while I am super tempted to eat nothing but ultra-affordable 2-minute noodles for the rest of my life, my waistline and heart would probably hate me for it. I’m also all kinds of lazy so I like to avoid trips to the supermarket as often as possible, which means I buy a lot of non-perishable foods … a lot! And yes I know, veggies are good for me but I can’t stand having to buy loads of veggies and then slowly watching them go off right in front of my eyes. My kitchen is a place veggies go to die a slow painful death and while I do love veggies, I struggle to get creative with them in the kitchen and I struggle even more to buy the correct amounts I need for each week. So what’s a lazy, budget conscious lass to do? I decided to conduct a little experiment and compare weekly meal delivery service, Daily Dish with a trip to my local supermarket to see if this was the healthy cooking solution I’ve been searching for. Here’s what I found:

To conduct my lovely experiment I decided to compare a previous week’s Daily Dish Banting Box (which contains the ingredients for four healthy meals for two people) with a shopping basket of the same ingredients from a local supermarket. This is just one of the boxes they offer, so you could conduct this experiment with one of their other boxes as well (other options include: Classic, Banting, Pork-free, and Vegetarian). Obviously, it’s important to note that Daily Dish delivers the exact amount of ingredients you need for each dish, which minimises wastage (and the sad reality of slowly dying veggies). In my shopping basket I did have to include larger quantities of ingredients where exact amounts weren’t available. So let’s take a look at those shopping lists.

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Daily Dish Banting Box (pictured above):

Ingredients for four meals for 2 people. Meals include Paleo Orange Chicken, Baked Sweet Potato & Chive Sour Cream, Mini Frittata Muffins & Ajillo Mushrooms, Lamb Cutlets & Mustard Sauce.


Daily Dish Banting Box cost: R810 per box/ per week.


What about shopping for groceries online?

Local Supermarket:

Ingredients for four meals for 2 people. Meals include Paleo Orange Chicken, Baked Sweet Potato & Chive Sour Cream, Mini Frittata Muffins & Ajillo Mushrooms, Lamb Cutlets & Mustard Sauce.


Supermarket Banting shopping basket cost: R1141.94. 

*Total Daily Dish savings: R331.94.*

When comparing the Daily Dish savings of over R300 to a local supermarket shopping basket it’s almost a no-brainer to use a food ingredient delivery service like this! Especially when I consider the fact that, had I done the shopping myself, I would have been stuck with loads of extra ingredients I didn’t need or might never use again.

For this experiment, I did all my supermarket ingredient shopping online at one store (in fact I had to visit 2 other stores for the Almond Flour and the Sherry) so while it might seem just as convenient to shop online, it did take me over 45 minutes to personally select all the ingredients I wanted to purchase for my recipes. And, it would have taken me even longer if I’d visited the supermarket myself and even more money if I factored in petrol driving to the different stores to find all the ingredients. With Daily Dish it takes me all of 2 minutes to click and place my order which is simply blissful for me (I told you I’m all kinds of lazy!)

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If you want to try Daily Dish for yourself then simply visit their website and order your first box today. Daily Dish is pretty much the closest thing to downloading food that you will ever come across and the food delivery service helps busy people cook and enjoy delicious and healthy meals in the week without having to worry about popping to the shops for ingredients or knowing anything about cooking at all really.

Order a Daily Dish box for two and the next Monday they’ll drop off a box containing all the ingredients and recipes you need for four meals for two people for the week.

Daily Dish allows you to choose from 5 different menus including Classic, Banting, Pork-free, and Vegetarian and the boxes start from R660 for two people’s meals for a week – click here to find out more and explore the menus on offer. Daily Dish is currently also offering a special deal for first time Daily Dishers – click here to get R250 off your first box! You can also say Hi to Daily Dish on Facebook and Twitter.

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