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Pizza Hut Coming To SA “Now Now”

The wholly-owned American restaurant chain is set to open in South Africa once again.

Jeremy Proome



It’s taken a while, but the US food chain, Pizza Hut, is finally making its way to South Africa, giving us another option and to make our choice of pizza place that much harder.

There are no details on exactly when the first branch will launch in SA, but the official reveal hints at “now now”, playing on the South Africanism – so, basically, we’re going to have to wait and see.

Absa Securities analyst Chris Gilmour said Pizza Hut could do well on the gravitas of the KFC chain, which is owned by the Yum! Conglomerate, who are also bringing Pizza Hut to SA.

“Pizza Hut abroad has more of a casual dining approach rather than just a take-away culture and stands a better chance than McDonald’s, which has not done well so far. Even their Taco Bell chain could do well locally with no similar offering in SA ,” said Mr Gilmour on Business Day Live. “There seems to be a grab for Africa, which makes sense with its growing population.”

Pizza hut South Africa

Pizza Hut South Africa

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