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Launching Your Start-Up? Here’s Which Programming Language You Use

Making the right choice before diving in can avoid a lot of headaches!




Deciding on which program to use for your business application is like trying to decide what car you’re going to buy – any car will get you from A to B, but you need the right one to suit your needs; so consider exactly what you need your program to do before diving in head-first.

In order to understand what’s out there and what solutions there are for your needs, we’ve taken a look at some of the most common and effective programming languages to consider for your business application:

For the Web Developer – Javascript

Javascript is one of the most used programming languages across the board, in part because of how widely it can be applied and also due to how necessary it is to create an expansive web interface. Alongside HTML and CSS. Javascript is essential when it comes to creating interactive and dynamic pages that will augment the user’s experience and set a web page apart in terms of visual appeal. Beyond that, though, Javascript is also crucial for mobile app development, so for those that require a solution for web and mobile applications Javascript will be indispensable.

For those who need flexibility – C#

Yeah, C# isn’t just a musical note, but also a programming language, specifically designed for web and desktop applications, and was introduced by Microsoft as a Java competitor in 2000. For projects like Windows client applications, XML Web services, distributed components, client-server applications, database applications, C# will do the job; and while C# is usually targeted towards the Windows operating system, Microsoft is working towards cross-platform support for C# programs.

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For those looking for convenience & speed – Angular

Angular is all about simplification and convenience, allowing you to build a single page app that can deliver rich, dynamic, and fast content for a streamlined user interface. It’s all about speed and performance, with a ‘cleaner’ coding process. This is ideal for company or web applications where you don’t want new pages to be loaded constantly, rather keeping your user on your primary application and accessing information from there. A single, dynamic news page, or interactive company profile would be examples of Angular applications.

If you’re a business-owner and feel like you need to get better digital and internet-based applications to take your business to the next level check out My Online! They offer comprehensive custom software solutions for anyone looking to establish a better digital presence to grow their exposure, and in today’s market, a digital footprint is a doorway to viable growth.

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