This Minimalist Smartphone Could Be the Solution to the World’s Social Media Problem
Solve your social media addiction with the Punkt MP02.
Smartphones are adding more and more functionality with every passing day, and giving users access to an overwhelming selection of apps for almost every aspect of life imaginable. But, there’s a growing debate around whether or not being constantly connected to digital platforms is a blessing or curse.
Phones like the Punkt MP02 are here as the answer, giving users the option to pare down the digital tether in their pockets to the bare minimum – so that what’s actually in front of you in person gets your full attention.
The MP02 is a bit of a departure from the MP01, which offered only basic telephony tech in the old-school body. The MP02 retains the simplistic design but branches out in terms of connectivity slightly, by adding 4G and other digital communication outlets like Facebook, Email, etc to its roster.
The attractive part is that you can toggle whether or not you want to see those additional platforms or not, so they’re there if you need but out-of-sight and out-of-mind if you don’t want to be distracted by them.
So, if you feel like your social media participation is reaching excessive levels, look into a semi-smartphone like the Punkt MP02 to free up your attention a little bit with this slice of digital minimalism.