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Top Apps to Help Make the Most of Valentine’s Day

Which apps should you download to make the most out of V-day?




The most romantic day of the calendar is fast approaching, and whether you’ve got that special someone in mind or making the most of the day of love by treating yourself, we’ve got a list of apps that can make your Valentine’s Day a success!


If you and your significant other love eating out or are have recently moved in, there’s always the question of who pays for what, because let’s be honest, expenses can get a bit confusing. Splitwise helps couples and partners keep track of who paid for what, and the app even works out bill divisions and tips. Not that it really matters (because love is all we need, right?), but it’s great to keep track of things so that you can balance the scales when it’s your turn to grab the groceries or electricity bill.

Download: Android


While Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are great avenues to show affection to your loved one, there’s a lot of people who would rather keep all that private. Enter Couple, an app which basically acts as your own private social media platform between you and your loved one, giving you options to chat, share images, memories, and ideas – and all these special moments are saved privately in one place for you and your partner to enjoy. There are also options to share to-do lists, set reminders, share your location, and suggest places to go out to on dates nights.

Download: Android | iOS


This is the ideal app for both singles and couples this coming Valentine’s Day, giving you the perfect excuse to hang in alone or with that prospective partner, and (over)indulge in a movie or couple (38?) episodes of Friends. While many users tend to just stream Netflix via the official website, the global streaming service actually has a brilliant mobile app that makes the whole process easier. And if you haven’t already signed up, we’ve got two words for you: Stranger Things.

Download: Android | iOS

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Kindu app

Kindu is a clever little app for couples who want to communicate better, spice things up, or need a few ideas to show some affection towards one another. After you and your partner both create an account (don’t worry, it’s private) and pair with each other, you can swipe through over 100 naughty suggestions that you can like, dislike or say maybe to. If you both say yes, it’s a match. You can even throw your own ideas into the deck.

Download: Android | iOS 

Takealot App

Hopefully you’ve been attentively listening for any gift hints that your crush or better-half has been dropping over the last month or so. If you’ve got a special gift idea in mind, or you just need to browse and shop around, then Takealot’s app is a great place to start. There are some specials reserved exclusively for the app too, so keeping an eye on all the rapidly changing offers is a great idea. If you’re stumped on what to get a good failsafe is to think back to Christmas and try and remember if there were any gifts your significant other wanted but didn’t get – now’s the chance to get that gift!

Download: Android | iOS 


And if you need a bit of TLC done to your smartphone this month, check out weFix repair specialists and everything you need on the weFix online store and Tweet them @weFix to say hi!


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