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5 Best Co-Op Games To Play With Your Bro

Here are five worthy reasons to bring friends and family together this season.

Jeremy Proome



The holiday season is all about friends, family, sharing, exchanging gifts on Christmas and above all, working together. One thing everyone can agree on is achieving the same goals, and this is definitely the case in the world of video games, and especially co-op games.  

If you’re going be putting in some good ole’ family time between the time-off, catching up with the lads, cooked turkeys and Christmas playlists in the coming month, nothing pulls your close ones together like a good multiplayer game. So we have compiled a list that reveals the best co-op / multiplayer games to play with your friends and family on Christmas. 

Army of Two: The Devil’s Cartel

What’s better than a game that also has co-op? A game built for co-op. The Army of Two series is the pinnacle of virtual teamwork and is the perfect title to put your trust and cooperative nature to the test. While the first two games pushed cooperative mechanics in the genre, the sequel, Army of Two: The Devil’s Cartel, solidified it.

Army of Two The Devils Cartel

Dead Space 3

Dead Space has always been outrageously frightening as you made you lonely way through derelict space ships, but does adding a friend to the mix make it easier?  Not really, but it’s awesome. In Dead Space 3, drop-in/drop-out co-op allows the world’s most unlucky engineer, Isaac Clark, to be joined by John Carver.  The problem is that Carver also deals with some dementia of his own, which results in each player experiencing the game a little different through each character’s eyes.

Dead Space 3

Resident Evil 5

Survival-Horrors are some of the greatest games around. Surviving with your buddy is even better. Resident Evil 5 supports full local and online co-op play which was a first for the series, but it turned out better than anyone could’ve imagined. Killing zombies / possessed / infected / (insert appropriate definition here) or any other biting creature with a friend is some of the best holiday time you can have. Resident Evil 6 was great, but RE5 just had something special about it.

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Resident Evil 5

Gears of War 2 

Marcus Fenix and his fellow COG’s represent camaraderie and teamwork in the finest, yet grizzliest, of manners. Whether it’s saving your downed buddy by chainsawing an enemy Locust in half, or covering your partner while they dash for cover, The Gears of War series is one unparalleled badass co-op experience. Gears of War 3, and the more recent Gears of War 4 and Gears 5, are great, but Gears 2 just stands out as the strongest.

Gears of War 2

Fighting Force

Quite possibly one of the best beat ‘em up’s of all time alongside Streets of Rage, Fighting Force stood tall as a progressive title on the original Playstation. Up to four player co-op allowed a group of friends (or family) to fight everything from cops to nano-soldiers while using guns, bottles, cars and their bare fists. Sadly, Fighting Force went in a bit of a strange direction with a negatively-received sequel, but Fighting Force is still one of the most fun and awesome co-op games out there. If you can get your hands on it, you’ll be in for a good time.

Fighting Force

What co-op games are you looking forward to playing this December?

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