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5 Video Game Sequels We’re Tired of Waiting For

We take a look at some of the sequels we hope to see the light of day.

Jeremy Proome



The video game world is notorious for keeping fans waiting and clambering for news and updates on their favourite franchises. So much so, that there are wishlists and features on sequels the fans would like to see. Well, we’ve written another one, and the below games are entries into some of our favourite franchises that need to see the light of day.

Darksiders 4

The Darksiders games have to be some of the most underappreciated releases in the hack-‘n-slash genre. The first game, released back in 2010, introduced gamers to the world of the Darksiders, where you play as War, one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse. After playing Death in Darksiders 2, and Fury in the ridiculously-overlooked Darksiders 3, there’s one more horseman to take control of: Strife. Darksiders: Genesis did give us a top-down shooter/slasher prequel where we got to play as both Strife and War, but we’re really interested in another third-person action-adventure mainline entry where we can take control of the gun-wielding Strife. Darksiders 3‘s story ended at quite a pivotal cliffhanger point, so a follow-up is not only desired, but needed.

The Evil Within 3

The Evil within 2

Arguably the most underrated action-survival franchise, The Evil Within, has two stellar games in its library, both of which hint at a bigger and more elaborate story unfolding in a third game. Following Sebastian Castellanos as he is pulled through a distorted world full of nightmarish locations and horrid creatures using a machine known as STEM, The Evil Within is a love letter to fans of older Resident Evil titles, but has its own unique world and universe to make it stand out. However, studio Tango Gameworks moved onto Tokyo Ghostwire and Hi-Fi Rush before being closed down by Microsoft, which makes a third The Evil Within unlikely.

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Mafia 4

Another unsung franchise is that of the Mafia games. All three primary releases were great, and the remake of the original showed how fantastic the story and characters can be with modern technology giving them the foundation they deserve. Mafia 3‘s car chases, shootouts, general gunplay and open-world were incredibly refreshing, and its revenge-soaked, gritty story was captivating right up until the final moments. A fourth Mafia game is being developed, but we haven’t heard much. A follow-up needs to take the franchise to a new location with new (or possibly returning) characters, which is just the type of backstabbing crookery-laced action we need on the new consoles.

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 3

The rebooted Castlevania series, kicking off with the first Lords of Shadow back in 2010, is still a sorely missed opportunity for Konami. The first game was sublime and one of the best hack-‘n-slash games around, and one of the best entries into the Castlevania franchise as a whole, which says a lot. The sequel evolved the formula, allowing you to play as Dracula himself, with a host of new powers and abilities, although it didn’t manage to capture the magic of the first entry. While things kind of ‘wrapped-up’ in the second game, a third game in the franchise would be a lifeline for a series that still has something to give, especially with Castlevania‘s never-ending clan of Belmont vampire hunters.

Split/Second 2

Black Rock Studio’s Split/Second is quite possibly the most original and interesting racing game in the last decade or so, but sadly, it seemed to have slipped under the radar for most. The slick, Michael Bay-inspired racer allows players to earn points and detonate parts of the track, resulting in huge set-piece moments where you could wipe out your opposition with falling buildings, planes, and other obstructions; and even change the course of the track itself. This ‘hook’ was great, but the racing itself was also polished and felt responsive and powerful. Unfortunately, developer Black Rock Studio closed down in 2011, so we can only hope the Split/Second IP is floating around somewhere for someone to pick up and use in one form or another.

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Any sequels you’re still hoping for? Let us know by tweeting @MenStuffZA, posting on our Facebook page, or commenting below.

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