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7 Game Reviews in 7 Minutes

We give our verdict on 7 of the month’s biggest titles!

Jeremy Proome



7 game reviews

OK, we don’t want to lie from the outset. We’re not exactly sure if this article takes 7 minutes to read, but it’s somewhere in the ballpark. We’re writers, not mathematicians here!

Anyway, with all the massive games releasing this season, it’s quite difficult for gamers out there to keep track of what’s releasing when and what’s worth picking up (for one reason or another); so, in the spirit of being as thorough as possible, we’ve reviewed 7 of the biggest titles that have released within the last month in one convinent article, rounding up exactly what games have released, if they’re any good, and which one you should buy.

Here’s our 7 game reviews in 7 minutes:

Final Fantasy XV

Final Fantasy returns in its usual colossal package, although there have been a few tweaks and changes to the usual formula this time around. Final Fantasy XV‘s decision to opt for a more real-time action-orientated style (as opposed to its traditional turn-based gameplay) will divide fans, but there’s no denying that the series is taking risks – and most of them for the better. The game world itself is as massive, diverse, and fantastical as you’d hope from a current generation Final Fantasy game, and the visuals are breathtakingly gorgeous; but alongside the wild ambitious, FFXV also manages to tell an endearing story about four friends and their journey through this crazy world, bringing some heart to the giant-monster-slaying.

Should you play it? Fans of the franchise will be sold already, but newcomers should also give it a look.

Final Fantasy XV

Watch Dogs 2

Watch Dogs 2 proves to be quite the paradox. One one hand, it’s a vastly improved title over its predecessor, offering a more interesting world, diverse missions, interesting combat, and more fluid parkour mechanics; but on the other hand, it’s suffering from an identity crisis – pushing hard to be ‘cool’ and ‘edgy’ rather than building on the gritty milieu of the original. Beneath it all, there’s a lot of fun to be had with Watch Dogs 2, but the overplayed hacking themes and painful use of drones can cause some eye-rolls and sighs.

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Should you play it? Fans of open-world games should give this a play.

Watch Dogs 2


Ubisoft’s massively-ambitious open-world extreme sports game Steep does a lot to please snow-loving gamers, and strikes a great balance of arcade and simulation-style gameplay that’ll cater to all. If you judge it on the merits of what it is: an open-world winter sports playground, it’s fantastic. Controls are great, the environments huge and gorgeous, and the tricks are easy to get the hang of – yet difficult to master – delivering that rewarding feeling often missing in games within the genre. Steep has a lot the enjoy, especially if you’re interested in tackling the online component, and it’s undoubtedly the best snowboarding/skiing game this generation.

Should you play it? If you loved SSX, Amped, and other snowboarding titles, then yes.


Dragon Ball: Xenoverse 2

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 is an impressive follow up to the original game, as well as a wonderful way to get the DBZ story without re-watching the entire anime series. Every aspect of the first Xenoverse is taken and expanded upon to great effect. Character customisation is deeper, the campaign is longer, parallel quests have more substance, and the world itself has more life, and at the heart of it is a robust fighting game with a ton of diversity and flair. Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 is perfect for everyone – from the most seasoned DBZ and Xenoverse vets to the newcomer who hasn’t yet delved into the insanity of DBZ.

Should you play it? Yes


Assassin’s Creed: Ezio Collection

The Ezio Collection brings two classic Assassin’s Creed games, and arguably the best of the bunch (Assassin’s Creed II), to the Xbox One and PS4 – which is fantastic for newcomers looking to make the leap into the franchise, and also for those wanting to relive the best period of the series (so far). But while it’s a great package for its admission price (around R699), the remasters don’t do enough to make any real noticable difference from the originals.

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Should you play it? This is for the die-hard fans or those yet to play them.

Assassins Creed Revelations Ezio Collection

Darksiders: Warmastered Edition

Darksiders is a shamelessly underappreciated action adventure gem from the last generation, and it’s great to see the Apocalyptic adventure arriving on Xbox One and PS4. It does so with some smoother visuals, spiffier graphics, and quicker load-times, but it does so without altering the gameplay – which is a good thing, given that it’s one of the best and most addictive hack-‘n-slashers you can get your hands on.

Should you play it? If you haven’t played the original, it’s a must.

Darksiders gameplay

 Super Dungeon Bros.

Super Dungeon Bros. is a fun, enjoyable, and light-hearted game, but it’s also one which runs out of steam too quickly. It’s a great distraction to play co-op with friends, and the wide variety of weapons will keep you coming back for a while, but you would’ve seen everything there was within the first 2 to 3 hours. The rock-‘n-roll bro concept is also enjoyable, but still nothing that hasn’t been done before.

Should you play it? If you don’t have the friend to play it with, then no.

Super Dungeon Bros

Which game are you most looking forward to playing? Let us know by tweeting @MenStuffZA and commenting below.

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