Batman: Arkham VR Could Be the Game To Force You to Buy a VR Headset
The closest thing to actually putting on the cowl.
As cool as Chuck Norris is, there’s always one thing he’ll never be: Batman.
There’s just something about the Dark Knight that taps into what we all truly want – to be a vigilante prowling the night with cool gadgets and nothing to lose… oh yeah – and billions of dollars.
While most of us will never achieve that, the closest we can get is Batman Arkham VR, the next game from Rockteady Studios, who delivered us the brilliant Batman Arkham series.
The new augmented reality game was first revealed at E3 2016 with a snazzy CG trailer, but now we’ve finally got a look, albeit a brief one, at a little of what the game actually has to offer. And it’s looking awesome.
In the first superhero virtual reality experience ,you will descend into the Batcave, equip Batman’s gear, and then experience Gotham City and Wayne Manor from Batman’s eyes.
The latest trailer reveals some new gameplay, as well as some reactions from some lucky fans who got to try out the upcoming game.
Batman Arkham VR is due on PS4 in October this year.
Check it out above.
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