3 Exciting Games Releasing in SA this Week
Shapeshifting, searching & shenanigans! Here’s what you need to know about the games releasing in SA this week!
A new week, a new month, and some new games await us as we head into what May has to offer gamers. This week, we see the reboot of a classic sci-fi shooter, albeit from a very different angle; an interesting-looking top-down adventure game; and a full release for Marvel’s misfit space heroes. Here are our picks for the games releasing 1-5 May 2017:
Release date: 5 May 2017 (Xbox One, PS4, PC)
Prey is an interesting-looking sci-fi FPS and a re-imaging of the 2006 shooter of the same name. This time, however, everything has been thrown out the window for a completely new story and setting to the original. Developed by Arkane Studios, the team behind the Dishonored games, Prey has you confined on a space station that’s been overrun by shape-shifting, shadow-like aliens. Protagonist Morgan Yu will have to fight back against these invaders in a struggle to survive, even as his sanity seems to deteriorate bit by bit.
How much does it cost? Find the best price on PS4 | Xbox One | PC
World to the West
Release date: 5 May 2017 (Xbox One, PS4, PC)
World to the West is a pulpy, cartoony top down action adventure inspired by European adventure comics. Take control of four unique characters — Lumina the Teslamancer, Knaus the orphan, Miss Teri the mind bender and the gloriously mustachioed strongman, Lord Clonington — each with their their own motivations, skills and interweaving storylines, as they seek to escape the dark shadow of an ancient prophecy. Travel trough corrupt colonies, lush jungles and frozen tundras, as you snoop through the secrets of a forgotten civilisation.
World to the West features seamless transition between combat and puzzle solving to keep the gameplay dynamic. Enemies can be dealt with by force, cunning or avoided all together. Deal with them how you want as exploration is up to you.
Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series – Retail release
Release date: 5 May 2017 (Xbox One, PS4, PC, mobile)
After the first digital episode to Telltale Games’ Guardians of the Galaxy game released last month (and was well-received), the retail edition of the full 5-episode season arrives this week. In the past, Telltale Games have done a stellar job bringing the likes of The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, and Batman into concise, episodic video game formats, and their attention to Marvel’s beloved, intergalactic misfits, the Guardians of the Galaxy, is a perfect fit. The point-and-click inspired game gives fans the chance to play play as and interact with Star-Lord, Drax, Rocket, Groot and Gamora, The voice acting, as usual, is top-notch, and the fact it ties directly into the overarching Marvel canon makes it a must-have for any Marvel fan.
How much does it cost? Find the best price here – PS4 | Xbox One
What game are you most excited for this week? Let us know by tweeting @MenStuffZA and commenting below.
And if you want to find the best deals on other big games currently available and for pre-order, check out!
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