Red Dead Redemption 2: Watch 6 Minutes of Jaw-Dropping Gameplay
Watch the brand new trailer for Rockstar’s upcoming Western sequel!
There’s no denying that Red Dead Redemption 2 is one of the biggest games of 2018, but we haven’t seen too much of it, barring the original trailer. Well, Rockstar has just dropped a comprehensive gameplay video, which gives us a ton of insight and a bit of a 101 on what exactly the colossal Western sequel entails.
We get a closer-look at the story, new characters, sprawling landscape, and, more importantly, the game in action – including horse-riding, fighting, shooting, and some mini-games.
Red Dead Redemption 2 will be released on 26 October 2018 on PS4 and Xbox One.
Check out the trailer above.
Are you excited for Red Dead Redemption 2? Let us know by tweeting @MenStuffZA and commenting below, and if you want to secure your copy, remember to pre-order!