Rugby Challenge 3 In Development?
Is there a new Rugby Challenge entry in the works? Some hints from the past develop sure lends towards that notion.

While we all eagerly wait for some news regarding the announcement and details of the 2015 Rugby World Cup video game we know is in development, rumours about another rugby gaming franchise are alive and well.
The Rugby Challenge series is one of the more preferred virtual rugby experiences around, and with news about a third iteration been totally absent from original developer Sidhe, some rumours about another developer taking over have popped up.
When answering fan questions on the official Sidhe forums (via TheScottishCannon) regarding a potential Rugby Challenge 3, Sidhe’s Mario Wynands said the following: “It doesn’t make sense for us to make [Rugby Challenge 3]. Though that’s not to say it doesn’t make sense for someone else to make Rugby Challenge 3.”
Then, answering a follow-up question about whether he’d bet on some other develper taking on the Rugby Challenge franchise, Wynands said the following: “I’m sure the rules of the game would exclude me from betting at all from a position of privileged information.”
What this “priviledged information” is could be anyone’s guess. Whether he is just making reference to being in-the-know of the gaming industry or something more specific regarding Rugby Challenge 3 is up for debate; but it’s sure looking like something is in the works somewhere.
April 21, 2015 at 16:13
Should be good to see another rugby game out. It can only be better than that last one.