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5 Steps Any Guy Can Use to Fix His Diet

As guys, we know getting the right balance in your diet can be a complex science, but with the help of BigHealthyMe, we’ve got some simple steps to getting you on track without nibbling on cardboard.



Chris Pratt

You can’t out-gym a bad diet. Fortunately, by the time you’ve finished reading this article, you should be able to clean up your own eating habits.

The topic of diets is controversial at the best of times. But with more trends than we can keep up with, where’s a guy to start?

What is a proper diet?

The point of this article is not to give you the perfect list of foods, quantities or carbs. That is something you need to experiment with, using a coach if necessary.

However, there are some general guidelines to follow in creating a “good” diet:

  • Eat enough protein
  • Eat lots of veggies (mom was right)
  • Eat good fats
  • Eat carbs before and/or after your workout
  • Eat when you’re hungry and stop when you’re satisfied
  • If it didn’t have a mom or come out the ground, try avoid it

By following the rules above, you’ll already be ahead of most of the guys around the braai every weekend.

But the point of this article is to enable you to clean up your own current diet.

Step 1: What gets measured gets managed

The first step in cleaning up your diet is to know where you currently stand. Create a log and record your dietary intake for three days, including one weekend day. This will give you a good indication of what needs tweaking.

Step 2: Have a browse

Now take a look at your food log. Make notes on everything you think needs work. Don’t be shy here, and don’t worry what the okes will think if you made those changes. Remember, you’re doing this for YOU!

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Step 3: Pick one

Now take a look at the list of changes you made in step 2 and choose the easiest one to begin. Ideally, it should be one which would make the biggest impact, but the main thing is developing the habit of sticking to these changes. So just pick one and start doing it for a week.

Step 4: Analyse

At the end of the week, see if you managed to stick to that first change. If not, try tweak things slightly to make it even easier to stick to, or choose a simpler habit to change.

Step 5: Rinse and repeat

If you were able to easily maintain that first habit, move on to the next item on your list of changes. Keep repeating this process until you have incorporated all the changes to your original diet.

So there you have it. By following the steps above, you should be able to clean up your own diet, no matter what your starting point.

This article first appeared on
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    April 22, 2015 at 18:29

    Very Good idea to look at what you are eating. I had struggled with bad skin for a long time but I gave up starchy carbs a while back and my skin has cleared up and I feel less bloated. its been very difficult as all foods that have starchy carbs are pretty much the best.

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      Jeremy Proome

      April 23, 2015 at 12:36

      Ya, it’s hard to cut out the starchy carbs. It is our fuel after all. But if you can find alternatives, it’s good. It’s all about your lifestyle and how much exercise you do, what you need etc.

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