Hunting Down the Best Home Loan Just Got a Whole Lot Easier
Loan Compare makes applying for a home loan easier than ever before by giving power to the buyer.
Loans are often necessary evils when trying to get ahead, but the biggest problem with them isn’t necessarily having them, but having to go through the slog of tracking down the one that fits your needs. When you’re taking a loan on something as big as a house or a car, you’ve always got to keep a close eye on some key variables, usually related to the interest rate and the time-span you’re looking at to repay the loan.
Loan Compare can help you with all those relevant variables with their easy-to-use loan calculator – it includes fields to assess the time period, value of the loan, the interest rate, but they also help you by taking into consideration what the transfer and other sundry costs could be. These are all important factors to take into consideration before going ahead with a loan so that you’re clear on exactly what your repayment will be.
Then, Loan Compare takes all the fuss out of doing your home loan homework by allowing you to submit one easy home loan application to multiple banks and then sit back, relax, and wait for the offers to come to you. They’re the only place where you can complete your full application entirely online and get multiple offers! And you did it without leaving the comfort of your couch!
Another useful feature they offer is a free assessment of your readiness to qualify for a loan, they’ll have a look at your credit profile and get back to you with a credit certificate and report.
Debt isn’t something you want to just charge ahead with – in the long run it’s going to pay you to take your time and be considerate with such a huge decision, and Loan Compare offers a useful service to let you know if you’re ready to take the plunge, and they’ll also help find you the best terms on a loan if you decide to go ahead with your dream home. And if you do get the ball rolling with an approved home loan, Loan Compare will give all successful applicants R1,000 towards their new home as a bit of a housewarming gift.
Taking a loan out can be a bit of a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be a headache if you’ve got all your information ready and have useful tools to help you decide if it’s the right decision for you. Check out Loan Compare if you’re on the house hunt and let them streamline the process for you!
Want to know more? Watch this video for an easy how-to guide on getting started with Loan Compare:
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