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SA Company Introduces Innovative Environmentally-Friendly Coffee Pods

New Oxo-Bio pods are hitting the Republic!




Oxo degradable coffee pods

Using coffee pods has become as contentious of an issue as discussing politics. Coffee snobs look down on you for drinking “inferior” quality coffee, and conservationists are quick to highlight the environmental issues of using said pods. Both valid issues, however, the reality is that the industry is evolving and things don’t have to be that clear-cut. Coffee Pod Guru, a local South African company, have introduced their oxo-degradable coffee pods into the market; delivering a delicious and environmentally-conscious option for coffee-holics.

Created from Oxo-Bio Packaging (OBP), the capsules are hydrophilic (water-absorbent) and suitable for biodegradation; but what exactly does this mean? Well, normal oxidation of the capsules (basically just being exposed to oxygen over time) will result in them breaking down, as opposed to those stubborn traditional plastics. Winning!

These new capsules, which meet all current standards for biodegradability and non-ecotoxicity, are considered better for the environment, as, according to recycling charity Recoup: “where plastic product that are particularly lightweight and contaminated with other materials, the energy and resources used in a recycling process may be more than those required for producing new plastics”. This is where OBP technology comes in.

The result is a smooth cup of coffee, and the real winner is that users now have the choice to branch out from the usual (and somewhat limited) capsule flavours, and know that the product is environmentally-friendly.

You can purchase your own Coffee Pod Guru reusable coffee pods on the company’s official website, and remember to follow them on Facebook and Instagram!

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