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Want to Drink Beer in the Shower? Now You Can!

Remember to scrub behind your beer.




If you’ve ever been in the shower and thought “I’d really love a beer now”, or perhaps you’re getting ready for a night out and want to keep the party going while you wash-up, there’s now a beer specifically designed to be consumed while enjoy a hot shower.

Swedish brewery PangPang has partnered with creative agency Skask to bring us the world’s first shower beer; and while the need for it is up for debate, there’s no denying that it’s an appealing concept.

The Shower Beer is half the size of a typical beer, but holds an impressive ten percent alcohol by volume.

The beer is meant to be finished “in three sips while standing in the shower getting ready for the night,” the Snask founder Fredrik Ost told Vice. And dccording to the brewer responsible for the idea, PangPang founder Fredrik Tunedal, the beer has a soapy flavor to it, meant to compliment the literal soapy suds around you.

“I let the Shower Beer sit longer in the primary fermenter before dry hopping and cold crashing it, compared to other PangPang beers. This lets it develop a soapy flavor that in some beers is considered an ‘off’ flavor, but is just on point for the Shower Beer.”

Oh, and if it wasn’t appealing enough, the beer itself can also be used as a conditioner.

Game. Changed.


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