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Where Should Your Leftover Payday Cash Be Going?

Snacks? New clothes? Here’s your first step to finding out…




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Anyone that’s new to working life or a young adult climbing the corporate ladder has the concept of investment or saving on their minds. We all grew up with grandparents and family members telling us to save, but that’s easier said than done and with the development of financial technologies and products it’s tough to choose what to put money into. Just before payday a lot of us have a little bit of money floating around, and you might catch yourself thinking “I’ll have more soon, I can treat myself now!” – but research suggests that’s the wrong urge to satisfy.

In a hugely popular book (The Millionaire Next Door) two university professors, Thomas Stanley and Bill Danko, conducted a 20-year study of the financial habits of USA’s average millionaire. Were most of them pro athletes, rock stars, or actors? Not quite – most of them had ordinary jobs, but they showed very specific and consistent financial habits. What was the primary habit? Pretty simple – less money spent on retail activities and more money spent investing in things that generate more money. The key to getting more bang out of your buck is setting up good financial habits as early as possible – so the truth seems to be that your pre-payday nest-egg should be going somewhere besides that end-of-year cruise or deposit for a hot-hatch.

The problem, of course, is what to do with your money once you’ve decided to save it. There are so many options it’s overwhelming; which one will give you the best return? Which one is the most low-maintenance? Which options carry the most risk? Outside of dedicating weeks of research to the answer it’s tough to get an idea of where to start, unless you’ve got some experts whose brains you can pick. Fortunately for you there are some helpful folks over at Ask Advice that will answer your submitted question free of charge to point you in the right direction, and if you’d like them to give you more in-depth advice you can schedule an appointment with them.

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They cover a vast range of topics; from business risk planning to short-term insurance – if you’ve got a financial question that’s nagging at you put a question through to you and they can offer some guidance on what to consider.

Like most long-lasting things in life the crux isn’t really making the correct decision on a big choice once, but rather consistently making the right decision on all the little things. If some of those little things are giving you a headache in your financial trajectory let, Ask Advice give you some tips on where to start and you’ll be growing your net worth before you know it!

Check out Ask Advice here and drop an advisor a message with any queries you may have.

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