Avengers: Age Of Ultron – Andy Serkis’ Character Revealed
Details emerge of who Andy Serkis is playing in the upcoming Avengers sequel.

Joss Whedon’s Avengers sequel is only a few short months away, and as the release date creeps nearer and nearer, we’re finally getting some answer to some of the questions raised from the trailer.
The most intriguing thing picked up from the Age of Ultron trailer was the appearance of Andy Serkis, notable motion-capture actor who has been in the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, King Kong and the most recent Planet of the Apes films; but who is he playing in the film?
It’s been revealed via Stitch Kingdom that he’ll be playing Dutch scientist and foe to Black Panther, Ulysses Klaw.
Klaw is a man with a gun on his arm, and the ability to turn sound waves into something physical. And it’s likely that he’s been seeded in Avengers: Age Of Ultron, ahead of being the villain in the Black Panther movie, which is due in November 2017.
Will we be seeing some more unexpected seeds in Age of Ultron to help set up future Marvel films? Looks like we’ll have to find out when it drops in May.
February 5, 2015 at 09:13
It’s very cool that he is getting some screen time as opposed to playing gollum or kong. I think it’s time somebody broke down what was actually going on in the Fantastic Four trailer. It’s defin not the Fantastic Four I remember.