Gambit, Fantastic Four Sequel, And Next Planet Of The Apes Get Dated
Check out when you’ll be seeing some big-screen blockbusters in 2016 and beyond…

20th Century recently announced that the studio had broken the global box office record with $5.5 billion grossed in 2014 and they celebrated by dating a number of new movies, including one anticipated sequel, a spin-off to the company’s most successful superhero franchise, another sequel to an upcoming reboot and much more.
According to Coming Soon, the big news was the announcement that they would be going into production on the much-rumored Gambit spin-off movie introducing Channing Tatum as the X-Men’s popular cajun energy manipulator, giving it a US release date of 7 October 2016, so expect it to hit South African cinemas shortly after.
The third Untitled Planet of the Apes Movie, the sequel to last summer’s major blockbuster Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, was moved to 14 July 14 2017 giving them another year to work on that, while The Fantastic Four 2, the sequel to this year’s reboot of the Marvel superhero team, was moved from that date up to 2 June 2017.
That makes 2016 a bit of an X-Men year. Deadpool, featuring Ryan Reynolds, is already scheduled for February 2016, whilst X-Men: Apocalypse will follow in May.
Another anticipated movie is the big screen adaptation of the hit video game Assassin’s Creed, which will now be released on 21 December 21, 2016.
January 7, 2015 at 20:58
Very excited about the Gambit movie. He was my favourite X-Men character.