Trailer: Megashark, Crocasaurus & Aliens Attack Earth Simultaneously in ‘2025 Armageddon’
What’s worst than fighting a giant shark? Fighting a giant shark and a colossal crocodile. But what’s worse than that? Aliens.
If you’re a fan of disaster movies, you’ll be ecstatic to know that mockbuster production house The Asylum, who brought us such hits as Sharknado and Titanic 666, have combined some of their most beloved shlock properties into one uber-film: 2025 Armageddon.
The film itself gets a little meta, and follows a militant alien race that launches an attack on Earth using gigantic creatures and geological disasters all based on those found on The Asylum’s Movie Channel, which the aliens picked up the signal to and were fans of, apparently.
2025 Armageddon is directed by Michael Su, who worked on another classic, Shark Side of the Moon.
Check out the trailer below: