NME Showcase Top 100 Songs Of the 90s
100 winners…

The 90s where a time of hope and change. The Berlin wall fell, Apartheid ended, and hair-metal was applying its last layer of mascara before throwing in the towel. Musically the 90s seemed to reject the decadence and opulence of the 80s and replace it with music that was real, music that was simple and powerful. Enter big names like Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Daft Punk, Rage Against The Machine and The Beastie Boys. All in all, the 90s where a good decade for music.
To commemorate this influential decade, have created a list of their top 100 songs of the 90s.
To check out the full list click here
If your’re only interested in #1, check out the video above!
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