Spaza$hop Boyz Post New Video

Joburg based rap group Spaza$hop Boyz have released a new video to their single Rehab Tony.
The groups music can best be summarised by their Facebook blurb:
SpazaShop Boyz are two rabble rousers bent on evoking civil disobedience through sonic propaganda. Whose musical ambitions can only be defined as a defiance campaign charcterized by wanton acts of confounding lyricism, coupled with a scorched earth modus operandi to each of their live demonstrations.
These guys are another example of true South African musical potential, It’s dark, it’s edgy and it’s progressive – beautifully capturing South Africa’s underground rap scene.
Check out the new video embedded above:
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May 16, 2012 at 12:30
I’ve seen the vid looks hot!!!! I wanna see more