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Kinect for Windows will touch down in February




Microsoft’s Kinect has seen its fair share of succesful modifications from around the globe in order to get it to work with a windows pc. There will soon be no need for any modding as the incredible voice controller is officially coming to windows on February 1st. It will first be shown off at the CES exhibition where microsoft will demo it before its release.

Despite the various criticizm’s about its feedback with the Xbox 360, the Kinect is still the best voice reconition and motion tracking device to date. Using it with an HTPC to play movies and music, open files and games by just using your hands and voice gestures is definately a good reason to warrant a purchase.

One major improvemt from the Xbox version is that it will be able to focus from a distance of 50cm enabling it to even be used in small office spaces.

It’s projected to be priced a little higher than the console version at launch. As of the moment, its not compatible with mac or Xbox 360.

Chances are that once its released, the firmware and software will start floating around which will give modders more flexibility to make their Xbox versions PC compatable.


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