Check out the first teaser for the upcoming Terminator sequel.
Before you enter for a chance to fire rocket launchers with Arnold Schwarzenegger, watch Bill Nye explain the science of blowing sh*t up.
The latest sequel in the Terminator franchise dives back into its origins in an attempt to revitalise the series, but is it a success?
When you've played one of the most iconic characters in movie history, it must be hard to resist the temptation to occasionally take them outside of...
Want to walk away from explosions in slow-motion? Arnie needs your help.
Wisdom comes from the most unexpected places, including a giant Austrian man known for his massive biceps.
Check out the first trailer for the post-apocalyptic drama-horror, Maggie.
Check out the second trailer for the upcoming Terminator: Genisys.
Check out the first trailer for the upcoming Terminator: Genisys.
He promised he'd be back, and he wasn't lying...
Arnie makes a comeback with his latest action movie, The Last Stand
Arnie making a comeback in new action/thriller.
James Cameron wants Schwarzenegger to return as the Terminator?.