Arkham Knight aims to end Rocksteady’s Batman trilogy on a high, but does the climactic finish do the franchise justice? MenStuff's Jeremy Proome dons his cape...
The misfit group of super-villains has been assembled. Check out the first image here...
It's official: this is how The Joker is going to look in Suicide Squad, and the DC movie universe...
Get a first glimpse of the Oscar-winning star as the iconic yet devilish DC villain.
A new report claims that Killer Croc will be involved in the Suicide Squad movie.
David Ayer's Suicide Squad movie gets a dose of RoboCop as Joel Kinnaman joins the already-epic cast.
Warner Bros CEO explains why he feels the DC movies have an "edge" over the Marvel ones.
Check out the amazing fan-made video for "Transformers vs DC Marvel"...
Nick Fury himself has picked his side, and it's Marvel all the way.
Casting reshuffle looks to be in order for a key member of the Suicide Squad...
The official cast for the upcoming super-villain mash-up movie has been revealed, and it's packed full of talent...
Is Jared Leto playing The Joker in DC's Suicide Squad movie? The question has been put to the man himself...
Wolf of Wall Street beauty is looking to embrace her inner dark-side for Suicide Squad.
Oscar-winner Jared Leto is rumoured to be taking on the role of Batman's arch-nemesis in the upcoming Suicide Squad film.
The Rock finally lets the cat out of the bag regarding his long-rumoured DC comics role.