The sequel to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot is in cinemas in 2016 - and production starts next month...
Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk and the rest of the crew get highlighted in the latest Avengers: Age of Ultron promo.
Check out the latest posters for the biggest movie release of the year.
“Always in motion is the future,” Yoda said. The future of the Star Wars cinematic galaxy, however, is taking shape.
David Ayer's Suicide Squad movie gets a dose of RoboCop as Joel Kinnaman joins the already-epic cast.
Eagerly anticipating the last Fast and the Furious film? Well, you're in luck as early screenings will be available at Ster-Kinekor cinemas.
The third and final Avengers: Age of Ultron trailer is here. Prepare yourself...
Which silver-screen adventures should you be keeping a close-eye on this month?
Check out the latest on Josh Whedon's Avengers follow-up...
It's official - Alien 5 is coming...
Check out the first piece of concept art for the highly-anticipated X-Men: Apocalypse movie.
Deadpool star believes the right people are involved for the merc-with-a-mouth to make his rightful mark on the big-screen.
Check out the brand new TV spot for Jurassic Park 4.
Seeking a little bit more of your Avengers fix before the movie drops in May? Here you go...
Check out who will be taking on the supernatural spirits come 2016...