After being delayed from 2020, Marvel and Sony’s Morbius movie (which tells the origin story of classic Marvel comic-book villain, Dr. Morbius) is set to hit...
Check out the brand-new trailer for Sony and Marvel's Morbius.
Check out the first trailer for Sony's Morbius standalone movie!
Should you rush to theatres to catch DC's super-villain team-up?
DC’s super-villain mash-up movie gets a new trailer...
Check out the brand-new trailer for the upcoming super-villain mash-up, Suicide Squad.
See some brand-new behind-the-scenes photos from David Ayer's Suicide Squad movie.
Check out the first official trailer for David Ayer's Suicide Squad.
The misfit group of super-villains has been assembled. Check out the first image here...
It's official: this is how The Joker is going to look in Suicide Squad, and the DC movie universe...
Get a first glimpse of the Oscar-winning star as the iconic yet devilish DC villain.
A new report claims that Killer Croc will be involved in the Suicide Squad movie.
David Ayer's Suicide Squad movie gets a dose of RoboCop as Joel Kinnaman joins the already-epic cast.
Casting reshuffle looks to be in order for a key member of the Suicide Squad...
The official cast for the upcoming super-villain mash-up movie has been revealed, and it's packed full of talent...