Deadpool star believes the right people are involved for the merc-with-a-mouth to make his rightful mark on the big-screen.
Seeking a little bit more of your Avengers fix before the movie drops in May? Here you go...
Check out the first footage from the secretive new Fantastic Four movie.
Winter Soldier co-star gets the hype train going for the Captain America 3.
Some details about when the anticipated trailer for the upcoming remake of Fantastic Four have dropped...
Check out the second full trailer for the upcoming Avengers sequel.
Check out the first official trailer for Marvel's shape-shifting hero...
Could Freeman play a role in the larger Marvel cinematic world?
Could everyone's favourite web-head make his way into the ever-growing Marvel cinematic universe?
Josh Brolin has been chatting about his role in Avengers: Infinity War, and what got him to sign up in the first place.
It's definite: Ryan Reynolds will indeed be returning to play Deadpool, in the standalone 2016 X-Men spin-off movie.
Check out what's coming your way in the upcoming Fantastic Four reboot...
Local designers can enter alternate looks for the superheroes of the Avengers in order to be featured at SA Fashion Week.
The king of cameos makes his transition to full animation in Big Hero 6.
Steve Rogers will have more than just Iron Man to deal with in the third Cap outing.