Here's the first trailer for the highly-anticipated Star Wars spin-off.
Which console, PC and portable games are making their jump to the silver-screen in 2015 and beyond?
Check out the first official MenStuff podcast where we discuss Batman v Superman, the good, the bad, and the critical backlash.
The latest TV spot for Marvel's big hitter in 2016 is here...
Did you catch these important Easter eggs in Batman v Superman?
One question: why wasn't this in the movie?
Does the battle between the Dark Knight and Son of Krypton live up to the hype? Here's our review...
Here's everything you need to know about the movies releasing across SA this weekend.
Here's everything you need to know about the movies releasing across SA this weekend.
The Avengers pick their sides in the new character posters for Civil War.
The Dark Knight takes on the Son of Krypton in the latest Dawn of Justice sneak-peek.
We review Sacha Baron Cohen's latest film, Grimsby.
Bigger monsters and tougher robots are heading our way.
Here's the follow-ups, sequels, and second acts that have got our tongues wagging in 2016.
Here's a first-look at Mr Cumberbatch on-set as Doctor Strange.