Deadpool star believes the right people are involved for the merc-with-a-mouth to make his rightful mark on the big-screen.
Check out the latest trailer for the new Fast & Furious film.
Check out the brand new TV spot for Jurassic Park 4.
Seeking a little bit more of your Avengers fix before the movie drops in May? Here you go...
Check out the first trailer for the bear-tastic sequel to Ted...
Which big-screen outing should you have your eye on this week? MenStuff gives you the low-down on what to venture out to the cinemas for.
Check out who will be taking on the supernatural spirits come 2016...
Stand a chance at winning tickets to an exclusive movie screening next week.
A new Hollywood hero is set to become the swashbuckling archeologist for the next adventure.
Check out the first footage from the secretive new Fantastic Four movie.
Bryan Singer has revealed who will be the latest to bring Storm, Jean Grey and Cyclops to the X-Men movies...
Which big-screen outing should you have your eye on this week? MenStuff gives you the low-down on what to venture out to the cinemas for.
Winter Soldier co-star gets the hype train going for the Captain America 3.
Superman actor Henry Cavill speaks about the superhero crossover film that's set to ignite fans.
Check out the second trailer for the upcoming movie that sees two of the funnies comedy actors getting up to some serious shenanigans.