Here's your chance to win a massive prize from Playstation South Africa!
Praise All-Mother!
Need a gaming experience for the weekend that won’t break the bank? Check out of the week's best specials.
Check out the first gameplay trailer for Shenmue 3!
Which console powerhouse will dominate the foreseeable future of gaming? We take a closer-look!
Sony slits the price of its virtual reality headset.
Is The Lost Legacy a hidden treasure amongst the Uncharted booty?
Does the PS4's big VR shooter deliver? Here's our review...
We review Deck13's sci-fi infused action game, The Surge.
Is the PS4's VR shooter something to be excited about?
Both new & old games get some specials treatment this weekend!
Massive savings on console bundles this season!
You seriously can't afford to miss out on these gaming & gadget deals this week!
We take on giant Terminator dinosaurs to find out if Horizon: Zero Dawn lives up to the hype!