Lego and Disney team up for Mickey Mouse’s 90th Birthday!
PriceCheck brings some scary savings this Halloween, including deals on masks, costumes, and other spooktacular items!
You wouldn't hurt a fly, but the Bug-A-Salt would...
Your block-based dreams have just come true!
Play Arts Kai and Square Enix's new Marvel figurines will get your tongue wagging!
This epic hamper is the perfect gift for a car-obsessed kid, both big and small.
Pint-sized patrolling!
Foam & chaos combined.
Hide yo' wallets!
That colourful LEGO collection could pay off in the long run! Here's how to invest in LEGO for maximum returns.
Hamley's toy stores are finally open in South Africa!
There's some great items out there for the young at heart, so why not inject a little child's-play into your all-grown-up life?
Cape Town is set to get a dose of playtime from the world's oldest toy store line.