Pranksters teach kleptomaniacs a lesson in respect.
YouTube gamer PewDiePie explains exactly what 37 million followers bring him, and why it doesn't matter.
Check out the frighteningly real recreation of GTA 5 in real life.
In 2014 we searched trillions of times. What do these searches say about us? Explore the Year in Search
See it rain basketballs in glorious BroMotion...
The guys at MEM get hold of a Batman suit and decide to fight crime in the quiet streets of Chicago.
If guys made routine videos...
How do people react to a giant mutated spider-dog? Here is the answer.
Some people should just stick to the donating...
YouTube magician approaches a police officer to sell some weed...
Check out how modern-day kids react to Nintendo's original handheld.
Check out the new Battlefield: Hardline trailer in glorious 60fps via a boosted YouTube player.